Course curriculum

    1. Welcome!

    2. Get ready, here we go!

    1. Welcome to Week 1!

    2. Lesson: Set Your Foundation

    1. Welcome to Week 2!

    2. Lesson: Develop Your Language

    1. Welcome to Week 3!

    2. Lesson: Build Your Platform

    1. Welcome to Week 4!

    2. Lesson: Learn The Programs

    1. Welcome to Week 5!

    2. Lesson: Test Your Knowledge

About this course

  • $940.00
  • Student Community
  • Guided Video Content
  • Live Q & A Sessions

Is the Training Program for You?

The MOCA VA Training Program was created to help students step into entrepreneurship in a practical, balanced way. Our goal is not only to help you build a business but to help you create the lifestyle you want.